Can Poor credit loans offer APR as attractive as credits above 500?

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poor credit loans & Their Better understanding

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    Poor Credit Loans

    In hard times, like currently we all are facing one Covid-19, any one and every one may at some point feel broke, they need financial support for bring them out from situation they are in. we can understand. however we suggest even if you are looking for some quick money we strongly recommend you to check other options like borrowing from friends and families, charitable resource or community funding organizations.

    Making money quickly or calling creditor to made a payment plan for you should be your last choice, Don’ t think of poor credit loans as a way to get money quickly, you must have in mind that every Dollar borrowed, you have to pay it back and then some interest, And trust us it’s lot of money!

    Bad credit loans and credit score ranges

    It’s important to understand what bad credit is and where you stand ahead of finding the right loan. Your credit score is a triple-digit number that reflects your history in lending and using credit cards. If you regularly miss payments or max out your credit cards, you will mostly likely have a bad credit score.

    However, this number is not arbitrarily assigned. Certain parts of your credit history affect your credit score in different ways. Payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit and credit mix are all considered when your credit score is calculated.

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    Credit scoreEstimated APRDetail
    Excellent Credit (720 and over)Under 9%Excellent credit will unlock the best rates across all lenders.
    Good Credit (660–719)9%–14.99%A credit score of 700 means you’re in about the 50th percentile
    Fair Credit (600–659)15%–35.99%You’ll most likely qualify for a number of loans, though there is no guarantee you’re getting the best possible terms.
    Poor Credit (under 600)36% and overHaving a poor credit score makes it harder to open new loans.
    poor credit loans : Credit Scores v/s APRs

    What is a bad credit score?

    A bad or poor credit score is ranging from 300 to 600, making it more difficult to get approved from any lender other than payday loans and costly to get a personal loan. Whereas, fair credit scores are 600 and over on an 850 scale. Remember that your credit score will vary depending on the credit bureaus.

    Here are other bad credit score ranges to think about:

    • FICO: A bad FICO credit score is below 650 on an 850 scale. 
    • VantageScore: A bad VantageScore is 300–619 on an 850 scale. 
    • Equifax Score: A bad Equifax score is 280–559 on an 850 scale. 

    How credit scores are calculated

    Your score is calculated based on debt owed, new credit established and payment history  — which is why it’s important to pay bills early or on time. The length of history and credit mix is also factored in to determine your score. Take a look at the breakdown to see how these factors add up. 

    • Payment history: 35% 
    • Credit used: 30% 
    • Length of history: 15% 
    • New credit: 10% 
    • Credit mix: 10%

    How to get a loan with bad credit

    • Evaluate How much you need: Don’t borrow what you want, borrow what you need, as loan borrowed must be paid back, unnecessary higher loan amount will make your repayment higher and make it harder for you to pay it on time every time.
    • Check your credit score : Most Americans don’t check their credit score, the survey says the 51% of American people don’t know their credit score, this is very crucial in lending market. knowing your credit score and find financial errors made over the time, you can correct them and when you may plan, your credit score might have increased over these time period.
    • Collect and make a file of financial documents:
      • proof of identity with a driver’s license or birth certificate
      • Recent tax returns or W-2s
      • Proof of address with utility bills or insurance documents
      • Your Social Security number.
    • Consider Secured Loan: Secured loan is supported by one of your valuable asset like home or car, if you have full proof plan to repay your borrowed amount then you should sign up with secured loan that will help you secure much better interest rate. which overall costs less to borrow money.
    • Work towards paying off your loan : Once you got loan and monthly repayments starts, make your realistic budget and save and keep aside that amount to made a bulk repayment at year end, this way you may end up your loan prior to your loan term, not working on repayment plan will make you fall behind payments and fall your credit even further.

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